Lemon Bars

This recipe can be halved and baked in a square pyrex pan.

Lemon Squares (24)
1c butter
2c flour
4T flour
1/2 c confectioner’s sugar
4 eggs
4T lemon juice
2c sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt (I used salted butter and left this out)
additional powdered sugar for dusting
Set oven at 350 degrees. Melt butter in a 13 X 9 pan. Add 2c flour + 1/2 c powdered sugar. Mix. Pat down in the pan. Return to the oven and bake for 20min.
Meanwhile beat eggs, juice. The original recipe says to sift together: flour, sugar, powder and salt. I blended the baking powder with at least part of the flour and sugar before adding all to the eggs and mixing. Pour over the hot crust. Bake 25 min. Do not overcook. Sprinkle confectioner’s sugar over the top and cut while hot.
Note: I made these Friday, refrigerated overnight in the pan. When I couldn’t remove them in the morning, I placed the pan on a sided baking sheet holding boiling water. Removal was quick and easy. Alternatively, remove them from the pan after they’ve cooled, before refrigerating.